Revista En Masculino

Red is for winter

Por Juicyguile @jorgebarcelo
A pesar de ser uno de mis colores favoritos, no suelo utilizar casi nunca el rojo a la hora de vestir, pero si que es cierto que, por las sensaciones que me transmite, me gusta utilizarlo en pequeños detalles sobretodo en invierno. Como en el look de hoy en el que los pequeños detalles de la trenca y el estampado de la sudadera de Wood Wood dan el toque rojo a todo el conjunto. 
Spite of being one of my favorite colores, I rarely tend to use red to dress me up but it's true that, for the feelings that transmits me, I like to use it in small details to dress mostly in winter. As you may have noticed on today's look I'm wearing red on the duffle coat small cords and the Wood Wood sweater print that give the red touch to the whole outfit. RED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERRED IS FOR WINTERDuffle Coat - El GansoShirt - Jil SanderSweater - Wood WoodPants - AsosShoes - AsosBeanie - Forever 21

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