Hello!! How are you?? Happy Friday!! Today's post is about healthy food (I have been trying to eat healthy for the last 4 years)I don't believe in extreme diets or dying at the gym to feel happy with what you eat…I eat what I want, sometimes even candy, but I am happy to say that I don't eat fried food or junk food!!! hahahahaI eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, no fat and more important healthy food. It is not only because I want to keep fit (which I want by the way) but also health is important to me. We are what we eat, I have to be careful on what I eat and I want to be fit.
After all this info, here is a recipe that I can cook very well and it is perfect for lots of different occasions (easy and simple)
Grilled gilt head bream with sliced potatoes (my fav ones) You can use any other type of fish with white meat, with gilt head bream is perfect.Let's begin!!
Necesitaremos: / Ingredients:- Una dorada por persona / One gilt head bream per person- Una patata o media por persona (si son muy grandes) / Half potato per person (depending on the size you can put one per person)- Una cebolla / One onion- Un pimiento rojo / One red pepper- Aceite, sal, perejil y vino blanco / Olive oil, salt, parsley and white wine

3. Cogemos una bandeja de horno y echaremos un chorrito de aceite para "engrasarla" / Use an oven tray and put a little bit of oil on the base of the tray
4. Ponemos las patatas en la bandeja del horno un poquito encima unas de otras como cuando hacemos una tarta de manzana / Put the potatoes on the tray, use all the tray
5. Pelamos y cortamos una cebolla en láminas y la echamos encima de las patatas / Peel the onion and slice it, and put the just on top of the potatoes

6. Cortamos en tiras el pimiento rojo y lo esparcimos encima de las patatas / Cut the red pepper and put the on top of the onion and potatoes too

7. Echamos el perejil bien picadito / Add the parsley

8. Echamos un buen chorro de vino blanco por encima de las patatas, también un chorro de aceite de oliva (a poder ser virgen), y sal / Add a generous amount of white wine, virgin olive oil (if possible) and salt9. Metemos las patatas al horno a 180º / Put the tray on the oven at 180 degrees10. Cogemos las doradas, les hacemos 2 cortes y les ponemos una rodajita de limón / Do a couple of cuts of the gilt head bream and we insert lemon slices on them.11. Después de unos 10 minutos de cocción de las patatas, abrimos el horno para colocar encima las doradas.... / After 10 minutes, open the oven to include the gilt head bream

Espero que las hagáis en casa porque son super sanas y riquísimas y que me contéis qué tal!!!!¡¡¡Un besazo y millones de gracias por leer cada día Fashion Low Cost!!!
and ready to eat!! and delicious!!Hope you try to cook it at home, it is healthy and so tasty, can't wait to know your opinionsTons of kisses and thanks so much for reading Fashion Low Cost everyday!!