La cuestión es que, Hazel al tener cancer tiene el cabello corto:
Vía Twitter nos hemos enterado de que Shailene Woodley planea cortarse el cabello para lucir lo más posible a Hazel Grace:
More on @shailenewoodley's impending Hazel haircut: They tested lengths recently, and she expects to cut it in about 2 weeks. #tfios— Up and Comers (@upandcomers) July 30, 2013
Shailene Woodley (@shailenewoodley) just told us she WILL be cutting her hair to play Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars. #tfios @realjohngreen— Up and Comers (@upandcomers) July 29, 2013
We're talking to @shailenewoodley and @Miles_Teller (+ director/screenwriters) of @TheSpecNow today. Got any questions? Send them our way!— Up and Comers (@upandcomers) July 29, 2013Lo positivo de todo esto es que -SPOILER- si no has leído insurgente no sigas leyendo:
Tris se corta ella misma el cabello en INSURGENTE dejándolo sobre los hombros.