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She is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresa

Publicado el 27 mayo 2013 por Mai @Styleonstreet
She is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresa
Veronika Heilbrunner and Justin O'Shea by Phil Oh
Asistente incondicional al circuito internacional más importante de fashion weeks y Senior fashion editor de MyTheresa, Veronika Heilbrunner es una de las nuevas ‘estrellas’ del street style.
París, Milán, Nueva York… Ninguna ciudad se escapa a su impecable estilo ni al de su pareja, Justin O’Shea, Buying editor de la misma tienda online, el gigante del lujo MyTheresa, y quién dicho sea de paso, es un habitual de The Sartorialist.
Juntos han recorrido Les Tuileries, Lincoln Center o Milk Studios, y ambos han sido fotografiados por algunos de los mejores fotógrafos de street style, como Alexander Norheim de the Snapshots, a quien Veronika hizo reír el pasado Marzo con un ‘¿Podrías hacer que pareciera más alta? ¡Sería genial!’
Con o sin Justin O’Shea, no cabe duda que comenzaremos a ver a Veronika Heilbrunner donde quiera que miremos.
Unconditional attendee of the Fashion Weeks international circuit and Senior fashion editor at MyTheresa, Veronika Heilbrunner is one of the new street style “stars”.
Paris, Milan, New York… No city escapes from her impeccable style neither from her couple’s, the Buying editor of the luxury online shop giant MyTheresa, the bearded Justin O’Shea, who is an assiduous of The Sartorialist.
Together they have gone over Les Tuileries, Lincoln Center or Milk Studios, and both have been shoot by some of the best street style photographers, just like Alexander Norheim from the Snapshots, who Veronika make laugh last March when she asked him “Could you please make me look taller? It would be great!”
There is no doubt that with or without Justin O’Shea we will start seeing Veronika Heilbrunner everywhere we look at.

She is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresa
She is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresaShe is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresaShe is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresaShe is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresaShe is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresaShe is... Veronika Heilbrunner, fashion editor at MyTheresa
Images sources: Citizen couture, The-snapshots, Streetpeeper, Vogue Uk
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