Los tejidos que protagonizaron esta pasarela MBFWM primavera-verano 2014 son básicamente lino y algodón, con un estilo minimalista y romántico. Las modelos lucen recogidos en forma de moño bajo, sin artificios, y maquillajes extremadamente suaves para configurar ese toque de naturalidad, tan bohemio y tan chic a la vez. ¿Qué os parece? ¿Os gusta la propuesta de Sita Murt para el próximo verano? Mil besos!
Today I dedicate the post to a designer with a great talent, exquisite taste and, as you can read in the title, is neither more nor less than Sita Murt. The outfits I've chosen garments are made of tricot, semi flared skirts, pants male, with two basic colors: white and orange grapefruit.Tissues staged this spring-summer 2014 MBFWM catwalk in this spring-summer 2014 are basically linen and cotton, with a minimalist style and romantic. The collected models look low bun shaped, without artifice, and extremely soft makeup to set a touch of naturalness, such as bohemian and chic at the same time. What do you think? Do you like Sita Murt's proposal for next summer? A thousand kisses!