Estaba deseando enseñaros algo del viaje que he hecho el fin de semana pasado con SmyLife a Estepona, Málaga.

This is the outfit that I wore for Secret Smy shooting last saturday. Hope you like it!!!
Those who hate the military, can combine with something like leather or denim jacket, or a slightly oversize coat, depends on how cold it gets in your city. SmySecret is a new system of invisible orthodontics from Spain.
Me together with three other bloggers, we have traveled to Estepona, Malaga, to live a luxurious experience to know SmySecret by SmyLife. Sure you know my friends. They are: Alexandra (Lovely Pepa), Pris (my showroom) and Natalia (Trendy taste).
All of them are great bloggers; i adore them!!! As much as you!!!!
A lot of kiss and smilies!!! Zara military shirt Moustache tshirt (by The Corner Shop) Hakei mini skirt Zara ankle boots Viceroy watch and bracelets Photos: José Cordero