Revista Fashion Blogger

snapshots of the week 1

Publicado el 08 noviembre 2012 por Throughmycloset @throughmycloset
 1. love #paris #boutique #new #york #Sweatshirt #blog #fashion #trendssnapshots of the week 1   2.I'm on @InstaMessage! Chat with me now! #instamessage #follow #mesnapshots of the week 13.#advance #post #tomorrow #iphone #4 #fashionsnapshots of the week 1  4. Beatriz/5.#picfx #new #boots #zara #black #street #style #trends/6.#picfx #sweatshirt #paris #boutique #new #york #fashion #street #style /7.#FotoRus #new #things #socks #tights #belts #bootssnapshots of the week 18.#picfx #kiko #chanel #various #colors/ 9.#fashion #covers #Monkey #frog #blog/ 10.Miles de gracias por la acogida que me estais dando con el blog. Sois geniales./ 11. changes to the blogsnapshots of the week 112.New post today! #stylistpick/ 13.#picfx #donuts #pepitas #chocolate / 14.#chanel #blue #satin #461/ 15. #breakfast #vienasnapshots of the week 116.New post today! #wishlist #birthday/ 17.#picfx #breakfast #coffee #cookies/ 18.#picfx #chanel #makeup/ 19.#remembering #look #wedding #dress #massimo #dutti #peep toes #zara #belt #massimo #dutti #clutch #bimba #y #lolasnapshots of the week 120.#concierto #malu #riojaforum snapshots of the week 121.#iphone #rabbit #bluesnapshots of the week 1
Espero que os haya gustado la recopilación de instantáneas de la semana.
Que tengais buen comienzo de semana. Un besote!!
snapshots of the week 1Follow me Twitter: @throughmycloset / Instagram: @throughmycloset / Facebook: Through my closet

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