
Solar Park South: Reggio Calabria. Online Competition

Publicado el 18 junio 2010 por Mauriciomaturanamuller
Solar Park South: Reggio Calabria. Online CompetitionSubject: Solar Park South Works – Solar Highway – carried out by re-using Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway sections between Scilla and Bagnara to be decommissioned by the Italian Highways Authority.Country: Italia. Province: Reggio CalabriaCompetition promoter: Regione Calabria - Town planning and Territorial Governance Department. Proposals must provide design solutions for the Solar Park South in relation to both the values of the local landscape and the application and enhancement of renewable energies. By investigating and studying in detail sustainable solutions,the procedure will considerably impact on the diffusion of a culture of sustainability.Procedure: Open, single phase.Participation: Participation is open to single professionals (architects, engineers, designers, town planners, landscape architects, agronomists, botanists, artists, scientists, researchers, technologists, economists, sociologists, geographers, environmentalists, ecologists, etc., preferably participating in a multidisciplinary group), societies of professionals or engineers, firms and students. Participants must accept all the clauses of this Brief and of the Competition Rules which are available on the competition promoter’s website http://www.parcosolaresud.itTerritorial scope, official language: international, Italian/English.Papers: Online self-publication of 2 images in .JPG format (945x450 pixels, maximum size 200kb each) and of 2 descriptive texts in English (maximum length: 1000 characters each, spaces included). Prize and Honourable Mention winners must submit a detailed presentation of the proposal, composed of 10 UNI A4 horizontal pages, inpdf format.Jury: Membership of the Jury is made public and includes expert technicians, critics and famous personalities; their decision is unappealable and binding for the awarding authority. The Jury’s evaluation will be carried out by means of an online procedure and will focus on the quality and innovative character of the proposals, in compliance with the general principles stated in the Competition Rules.Awards: The total prize money of 30,000 Euros is split as follows: 20,000 Euros to the first prize, 7,500 Euros to the second prize and 2,500 Euros to the third prize. The Jury may single out up to 10 proposals for Honourable Mention. Moreover, the competition promoter may assign fellowships to Prize and Honourable Mention winners for the further technical study of their ideas and invite them to participate in the working groups of the Permanent Technical Committee for the participatory planning of Solar Park South proposal.Registration/Submission: The deadline for online registration is 15 July 2010; papers must be submitted by 30 July 2010, following the online procedure stated in the Competition Rules and in the competition website.Registration fee: No registration fee is due..Info: Parco Solare Sud Technical Committee – Regione Calabria Town planning and Territorial Governance ,


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