Revista Regiones del Mundo

St John's Eve 2012

Por Valentinawandering
Os dejo con las poquitas fotos que me han quedado medianamente decentes de la noche de San Juan, hogueras y fuegos artificiales. No es que estas sean estupendas pero es que la mayoría de las fotos de los fuegos artificiales han sido un gran conjunto de desencuadres, desenfoques, fotos en negro con un punto de luz asomando por la esquina, etc. :) Necesito más practica. Here I leave to you the very few pictures that look more or less good, or at least the ones I am not terribly embarrassed to upload, from the ones I took last night int he celebrations of St John's Eve. Not that they are very good as you will see, but most of the ones I took have resulted into a combination of motin blur, poor composition, pictures totally black but for a blurry point of light saying hello at a corner, etc. :) Definitely I need more practicising.
St John's Eve 2012
St John's Eve 2012
St John's Eve 2012
Estas fueron sin duda las mas difíciles, era como ir "cazando" luces con la cámara. Os dejo algunas con composiciones como veréis "interesantes".
These were the most diffcult without a doubt, I felt like I was "hunting" lights with my camera. Here I leave you with some "interesting" compositions.
St John's Eve 2012
St John's Eve 2012
St John's Eve 2012
St John's Eve 2012
St John's Eve 2012

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