Statement by John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, on the occasion of "World No Tobacco Day"
Publicado el 31 mayo 2011 por Fat
John Dalli said: "On the eve of this year's World No Tobacco Day, I would like to express my continued commitment to tackle tobacco consumption and its harmful effects in the EU and around the world.
Each year 650 000 Europeans die prematurely because of tobacco consumption. This is staggering, and also entirely avoidable. The personal and social cost of smoking is simply too high ! As the Commissioner in charge of health, my principal objective is to find the right means of ensuring that new generations live longer and healthier lives in a tobacco-free Europe.
In the coming weeks I will be launching a new EU-wide awareness campaign targeted to smokers in the 25-34 year age range. The campaign will use the inspiring achievements of ex-smokers to motivate smokers to quit and will provide tools to assist them.
Next year, I hope to put forward a proposal for the strengthening the 2001 Tobacco Products Directive. Measures being considered include a review of the packaging provisions, regulatory solutions for new products and tackling ingredients that make tobacco products more attractive.
I will continue to work with Member States to make our common fight against tobacco consumption a success. Through the political will of governments in the EU and in partnership with countries beyond we can curtail the devastating health effects of tobacco consumption."
Each year 650 000 Europeans die prematurely because of tobacco consumption. This is staggering, and also entirely avoidable. The personal and social cost of smoking is simply too high ! As the Commissioner in charge of health, my principal objective is to find the right means of ensuring that new generations live longer and healthier lives in a tobacco-free Europe.
In the coming weeks I will be launching a new EU-wide awareness campaign targeted to smokers in the 25-34 year age range. The campaign will use the inspiring achievements of ex-smokers to motivate smokers to quit and will provide tools to assist them.
Next year, I hope to put forward a proposal for the strengthening the 2001 Tobacco Products Directive. Measures being considered include a review of the packaging provisions, regulatory solutions for new products and tackling ingredients that make tobacco products more attractive.
I will continue to work with Member States to make our common fight against tobacco consumption a success. Through the political will of governments in the EU and in partnership with countries beyond we can curtail the devastating health effects of tobacco consumption."
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