Revista Cultura y Ocio

Support our police officers, our correctional officers

Por Lavoragine @delavoragine

Support our police officers, our correctional officers

I've written about this before and I'll say again that we need to support all law enforcement, not defund as whiny liberals want. Our local, county, state, and federal agents are being treated like crap! They are vilified by the press, the liberals, the families of the prisoners. Until one of them needs help, they complain that not enough is being done. You can't fund them, cut staff, and expect good results no matter how hard they try.

Our corrections officers are handcuffed to their duties by politicians who really don't understand the corrections system. These inmates are accused of murder, rape, pedophilia and more. They lost their rights to a good life when they were sentenced. They keep screwing up the prison and want respect from the system, but they don't respect anything. They attack and maim our correctional officers with impunity. They know our fearless politicians will cry for them.

Maybe our politicians should spend some quality time with them, starting with Dementia Joe, Nasty Nancy and Fat Chuckie. I'm sure they would love to have urine and feces thrown in their faces. They are very concerned about attacks on fellow politicians and their families, but not for correctional officers and their families. I agree that violence against our leaders is wrong, just as January 6 was wrong. Violence does not solve the problem. Supporting our agents in their daily tasks is the right way to go.

Inmates need certain rights, but not when it hurts our officers. The answer is simple, elect people who care about our guys, support them and punish the criminals. It's a two-way street, respect begets respect. You may now understand why fewer men and women are entering correctional services. Less aid, more crime. I understood?

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