Studying sunday. The day was too nice to stay locked up all day, so I asked my friends if any of them wanted to go take a walk and luckily two said yes. So I grabbed my bike and rode to Plaza Serrano, where we met. We walked, ate frozen yoghurt, and sat to talk and enjoy the sunny day in Plaza Armenia.

Aprovecho para mostrarle mis anteojos hermosos bellos bellísimos de los que estoy enamorada, y que compré por Buyincoins. Son hiper prácticos para andar en bicicleta, ya no lloro, solo se me estampan bichos en la cara, pero máscara no me pienso poner así que tendré que aprender a convivir con ellos!
El sweater también es nuevo, y cuando lo vi lo primero que pensé fue en Wildfox, tiene esa onda o soy solo yo? -I also want to show you my beautiful beautiful sunnies of whom I'm in love, and bought in Buyincoins. I love them, and they're really useful for when I ride my bike, I don't cry anymore every time I close my eyes. The sweater is also new, when I saw it I thought of Wildfox, is it just me or does it really look Wildfoxish?

Este es el crimen que cometí a mis vans. Me encantan.
This is the crime I commited to my vans. I love it.
-Being on Plaza Armenia, I couldn't get my eyes off of this boy, with these amazing and cool Guns n' Roses' leggins. So after a while I gathered the courage I needed and asked for a photograph. A genious.

Buena Semana!x