Revista Fashion Blogger

tartan trousers

Publicado el 12 febrero 2014 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit El estampado tartán ha sido una de las tendencias de la temporada este invierno. En principio, en rojos y verdes ha resultado la elección más de moda, sin embargo, para ir sobre seguro y no cansarme enseguida, he optado por hacerme con este pantalón que combina el print pero en tonos blancos y negrosCreo que voy a cansarme menos de él y será más fácil de combinar.

A veces hay que ir sobre seguro, no os parece? Besos!!!

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Tartan patterns have been a very famous trend for this winter season. Red and green have been the most popular, although I have taking this option so I don’t get fed up with them too soon, I have chosen black and white checked pattern for this reason. I think I´ll wear them on more often and it will be easier to combine it.

Sometimes you take too big a risk! Don’t you think? Kisses!! 

street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo tartan trousers sheinside zara gucci bag fashion blogger outfit
Zara cazadora de cuero/leaher jacket. Similar herehere
Eleven París sudadera/sweater(here)
Zara camisa/shirt
Font Row Shop pantalones/pants(here)
The Corner zapatillas/sneakers(here)
Gucci bolso/bag. Similar here
Beautyque Nail Bar manicura/manicure Photos & Video: Sergio Espinosa
tartan trousers
tartan trousers

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