A collection of best books of 2015 lists:
Amazon (top Kindle books)
Amazon (top print books)
The Australian (best books)
Barnes and Noble (best books)
Bustle (best books)
Chicago Tribune (best books)
Financial Times (best books)
Goodreads (best books)
Guardian Part. 1 – Guardian Part. 2 (best books)
Huffington Post (best fiction books)
Independent (best books)
Library Journal (best books)
New York Times (best book covers)
New York Times (best books)
New York Times (best illustrated children’s books)
New York Times (best photo books)
New York Times (critics’ top books)
New York Times (notable books)
New York Times (notable children’s books)
New Yorker (best books of poems, about poems, or tangentially Related to poems)
Newsday (best books)
Publishers Weekly (best books)
Telegraph (best books)
Time (top fiction)
Time (top nonfiction)
Time (top YA books)
Time Out New York (best books)
Wall Street Journal (best books)
Washington Post (best books)
For more lists, check out Largehearted boy.
“Los mejores libros son los que nos dicen lo que ya sabemos”. George Orwell.
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