Revista Moda

The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel

Publicado el 06 mayo 2011 por Srtaa
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
Cómo se crea un icono como es el 2.55?? Paso a paso, desde el proceso de recortar la piel hasta el cosido del icónico logotipo de la firma hasta la incorporación de las pequeñas piezas metálicas, es una tarea manual y exquisita.
Karl ha tomado todo un clásico y lo ha convertido en un accesorio actual, vanguardista. Maestría y excelencia en las 180 acciones totalmente manuales que se llevan a cabo para la realización del bolso.
Como curiosidad... Mademoiselle Chanel, estaba harta de perder el bolso, por eso le añadió un strap de cadena, para poderlo colgar en su hombro y asegurarse que nunca lo perdería.
Here's a really interesting news item that you simply can't miss. It's a making of that shows how a Chanel bag is created. The 2.55 model is an icon of perfection and elegance...
We see each step of the process, from cutting the leather to sewing on the brand's iconic logo and manually adding small metalic pieces.
Karl has taken a classic and made it into a contemporary accessory. Each of the 180 manual steps needed to create the bag reflect his experience and excellence.
Oh, and if you're sick of losing your bag, you'll be glad to know this design features a chain strap so you can wear the bag on your shoulder.

The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
The Making of the 2.55 of Chanel
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