Revista Cultura y Ocio

The Transparency Needed to Heal the Catholic Church

Por Lavoragine @delavoragine

The Transparency Needed to Heal the Catholic Church

As a long-time active Catholic in Albany, I was appalled to read the September 4 article "Church Protects Bishop's Records" about the ongoing efforts of the Diocese of Albany to block the publication of the personal files of clergy suspected of the sexual abuse crisis. .

The Archdiocese of New York currently maintains that the records of the Bishop Emeritus of Albany, Howard J. Hubbard, should be protected from disclosure. This is after losing a court case which ordered the release of priests' personal files for those accused in prosecutions brought after the Child Victims Act was passed.

While the revelations of the sexual abuse scandals are painful, I believe the church needs to be fully transparent to move beyond this crisis. This would be similar to the truth and reconciliation process that happened in South Africa after the fall of apartheid.

Through this openness, the church can begin the process of allowing victims to heal from the harm inflicted and move the church forward into a future where we can faithfully serve those in need unhindered by the shadows cast by these abuses. .

I urge Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger, who has taken steps to listen to stories of clergy sex victims, to direct his attorneys to promptly make available all relevant clergy personnel records to the priests and Hubbard.

David Rowell


Correction: The Archdiocese of New York wants the courts to protect the records of Bishop Emeritus of Albany Howard J. Hubbard from disclosure. This letter previously distorted the entity.

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