100 years ago: 1922
Weeks of pipe distribution for the new 16-inch water main, which is to be laid from Lake Auburn to the city proper, began Monday and residents of the city's upper reaches will be thrilled when that water main and the new pumping station are in operation. These improvements will remedy what is now a serious defect in the water services of these sections. In many houses, it is impossible to draw water from the second floor of a house, when a tap is open downstairs.
50 years ago: 1972
A puppet sewing session for Auburn's first senior citizens at First Universalist Church, Elm St., Auburn will be held today from 1-3 p.m.
25 years ago: 1997
LL Bean's new retail store promises to be a place where kids, not parents, will climb the walls while their parents shop.
LL Kids, slated to open August 1, features a climbing wall with sensors that monitor the weight and speed of young climbers. The stability of the treadmill-like surface is adjusted based on how easily children scale the structure. In addition to 2 hiking ramps for testing shoes and a simulated bike path, the rest of the store is packed with clothes for toddlers through teens. The outdoor outfitter has offered children's clothing since 1993, but the new store is the first devoted exclusively to children's merchandise.
"It's hard to find good outerwear for kids that is high quality, warm, dry and comfortable." said Mike Verville, director of retail stores for LL Bean. "We have filled that void." Some 60,000 people are expected to pass through the two-level store during its opening weekend.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared, although spelling mistakes and errors may be corrected.