I don't mean to be rude, but is what I've read and heard about our council's 'bat patrol' to solve our mosquito problem true? I have to conclude that even the big fronts on our board aren't that timid. Where are they? The only thing they haven't added is raising taxes to pay the bats to implement this mad madness.
What are they competing for, the prize for the most successful city council idea ever given? Well, at least in this regard, success. I checked with Las Vegas and chances are they win by a landslide. I have been disappointed with our advice in the past, but this is the best they have ever been. My suggestion is that we fire them all and hire the next 10 or so taxpayers who walk past a random pothole to do the job. There is a good chance that the board's overall judgment will be significantly improved.
I am 81 years old and when I see such decisions, I worry about the future of the city I love.
Gordon McLeod, EdmontonCouncilor needs a property tax lesson
The annoying and inane antics of some council members really hit a low point with Coun. Michael Janz's recent suggestion of how the rich should pay more. Mr. Janz's musing that those with homes above a certain value should pay more taxes is just another lazy musing from a council that refuses to acknowledge that it doesn't have a income problem, but rather a problem of expenditure.
Mr. Janz and like-minded councilors need corrective instructions on municipal taxes. If my neighbor has a house valued at twice mine, then my neighbor pays double the amount of municipal tax, in exchange for no additional service. Thus, those who have more expensive housing are already effectively paying a progressive tax.
Mr. Janz's utter ignorance of this reality is staggering and as such I strongly recommend that he do some serious homework before embarking on solving the city's dismal fiscal management by suggesting new taxation. unfair to its citizens.
Steve Rose, EdmontonResidence tax would scare away investment
So Con. Michael Janz decided he was unhappy with the Edmontonians' success. He would like to raise property taxes paid by wealthy people whose homes are worth more than $1 million, though he is apparently flexible on the amount; perhaps the value of the properties at more than two million dollars will be enough to solve his budgetary problems.
His left-wing spirit believes hard-working, successful people should pay more than his la-la-land NDP buddies. In fact, Mr. Janz chose to obfuscate the issue by saying that dwellers in "mansions" pay the same price as dwellers in average houses. It's not true. Owners of homes over $1 million pay massively more property tax; it is the rate of the thousandth which is the same. Nice try, comrade.
Mr. Janz doesn't seem to grasp the benefits that "successful" people bring. Past councils spent a lot of time, effort and money attracting successful people and the businesses that go with them. An obvious result of Mr. Janz's left-wing initiative will be that successful people will leave, and not just for the surrounding region. Most likely for more attractive locations, with better weather and friendlier governments. Alberta has already experienced a corporate exodus as a result of federal Liberal government initiatives.
Mr. Janz should limit his future brainwaves to mosquitoes and other pests, which he knows best.
Will Paul, EdmontonWealthy homeowners already pay more taxes
On Global News (June 26), I watched Councilman Michael Janz of Ward papastew try to articulate his "mansion tax" proposal for Edmonton. He spoke of people with $300,000 properties and $3,000,000 properties paying the same "amount" of property tax for municipal services. It's disheartening that someone who was once a member of our city's school board, and is now in charge of the city's budget, seems to confuse the amount of property taxes (which varies by assessed value) with the tax rate (which is the same for all residential properties). Those who own the $3,000,000 properties targeted by Janz already pay the city 10 times the amount of taxes as those who own $300,000 properties, but are entitled to similar city services per household.
Mr. Janz may be right. Paying 10 times more for the same services is not fair. We already have a system where everyone pays progressively more tax for the same services as the value of their property increases, and they are not subject to the whims of a councilor as to what constitutes a mansion.
AW Shostak, EdmontonGoogle needs an update on football Elks
I asked my Google Home device when "when are the Elks playing?" The response was "the next Edmonton Eskimos game is...". I thought this might be good news for your article to follow and perhaps facilitate a correction. I sent a note to the Elks a few weeks ago, but they haven't responded. I guess the Google Home answers are the same for everyone in the world, not just my device which has the Eskimos answer.
Wayne Anderson, EdmontonRevenue goods passing through Alberta
A good addition to Danielle Smith's Alberta Sovereignty Act would be the introduction of a transit tax. This would mean that any good or product produced or destined for a destination in Alberta would be exempt from tax. But any good or product simply passing through Alberta would be subject to a transit tax, determined by the bill of lading. So something from Vancouver to Red Deer would be tax free, but if that good was going to Toronto, there would be a transit tax.
Same goes for anything going east to the Pacific - trucks, cars, farm machinery for sale in Calgary would be tax free, but if they're going to Vancouver and exporting, there's a tax of transit. This tax would not only be more than profitable, but would be a clear sign of sovereignty.
Les Thompsons, EdmontonNews about former NDP MP is underrated
Re. "Edmonton MP says he hopes to run for NDP again", June 17Now facing charges of unlawfully attempting to access private information contained on Alberta Health's website, the title of Friday's Edmonton Journal article was so small it could easily have been missed. . One wonders if the story was about a UCP member, the headline would be front page news and in large print.
MP Thorsell, Sherwood ParkThe apathy of strangers perplexes the Good Samaritan
Where is the sympathy? While walking down a public staircase in Riverdale recently, I saw a man sitting hunched over the steps. After calling him several times to ask if he was okay, there was no response. Tentatively, I nudged his foot with my foot - again, no response. As he was bent over, I couldn't see his face or even determine if he was breathing. Worried, I pulled out my cell phone and called 911. A few minutes later, a fire truck arrived and responders rushed to the scene. Fortunately, they resuscitated the man.
While I was on the phone and being questioned about this man, there were two other walkers who passed us on the stairs without an offer of help or even a sideways glance. Maybe they both saw that I had things under control? Maybe they felt uncomfortable with the situation? Maybe they didn't know how best to help? Perhaps they were completely unaware of the fate of this man?
Seeing someone in need can evoke many emotions and reactions. I hope we have not been completely blindsided by such events. Offering a helping hand is not a difficult thing to do and can make all the difference.
Rick Lauber, EdmontonLetters welcome
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