Revista Tendencias

Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging t...

Publicado el 28 marzo 2012 por Coolbites
Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging to the Collezioni sunglasses campaign shot by photographer Samantha Casolari. I love the subtile shades of colors, the decadent light, the atmosphere…Definitely, not a regular sunglasses lookbook, right ?Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging t...Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging t...Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging t...Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging t...Today I got captivated by these dreamy images belonging t...A primera vista, no hubiera dicho que estas imágenes pertenecen a una campaña de gafas de sol. De hecho, las gafas son lo de menos en estas fotos…o por lo menos, en lo que menos me he fijado al verlas. No puedo dejar de admirar esos colores degradados, esa luz decadente y ese aspecto antiguo de cada imagen.Images by Samantha Casolari for Collezioni sunglasses via TheVedaHouseby Noe

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