En tela o piel, en un solo color o siguiendo la tendencia bicolor, las espadrilles de Chanel son el último grito en calzado y un must-have para toda trendsetter y fashionista que se precie, aunque todo sea dicho, las de encaje de Valentino son puro arte.
Pero STOP! No sólo de Chaneles y Valentinos se vive – ¡Quién pudiera! – y las marcas mid-cost, grandes cadenas y multinacionales se han puesto manos a la obra, ¡Fichad las vuestras al final del post!
The espadrilles had already have their approaching to fashion some years ago, although it hasn’t been until this year when thanks to the maison Chanel they have been praised as it shoes.
In fabric or leather, monochromatic or following the bicolor trend, the Chanel espadrilles are the latest fashion and a must-have for every trendsetter and fashionista who worth their salt, although I must admit that the Valentino lace espadrilles are pure art.
But STOP! Fashion is not only fed by Chanel and Valentino, neither are we – Hope so! –, and because of that reason the mid-cost brands, great chain stores and multinationals have got on with it, take note of the models you can find at the end of the post!

Images sources: carolinesmode, modelsjam, sincerelyjules, theblondesalad, cocorosa

1. Eleven Paris | 2. Stella McCartney | 3. Prism | 4. New Look | 5. Zara
6. Soludos | 7. Soludos | 8. Valentino | 9. Soludos
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