Todos recordamos ese período de los 90’s en el que las camisetas ombligueras campaban a sus anchas por revistas, pasarelas e incluso escenarios, y si no sólo hay que buscar Lucky Star, el single debut de Madonna para refrescar la memoria, o en su defecto sacar algún álbum de fotos personal, aunque mejor obviamos esta segunda opción.
Dejando los recuerdos a un lado, ¿De verdad vais a decir que no a Hanneli Mustaparta, Elena Perminova y Candice Lake? ¿Y a Miley Cyrus, Diane Kruger y Jessica Hart? Vamos, que la moda nos la ha vuelto a jugar y este próximo verano nos vamos a cansar de ver – y posiblemente llevar – la next big thing, los crop tops.
Así que mejor será que vayamos aplicando el dicho «Si no puedes con el enemigo, únete a él» y comencemos a observar algunas fotografías de street style y ¿Por qué no? También a fichar posibles adquisiciones.
Echad un vistazo a este, este, este o este crop top ¡Nunca está de más ojear el mercado!
Señoras y señores, la operación
Crop tops or belly tops belong to that list I name as “Those clothing items I promised I would never wear again”, nevertheless fashion designers, and since some months ago also street style insist on make it fashionable again. May God have mercy on our souls.
Everyone remembers that 90’s period in which midriff tops were everywhere, in magazines, fashion shows and also on the stage of many gigs and concerts, and if you don’t remember it you just have to search for Madonna’s debut song Lucky Star for refreshing the mind, or alternatively you can dig out one of your old albums, but it would be better if we omit this second option.
But leaving memories aside, are you going to say no to Hanneli Mustaparta, Elena Perminova and Candice Lake? And to Miley Cyrus, Diane Kruger and Jessica Hart? Well, it seems that fashion has done it again and this next summer we will get tired of seeing – and possibly wearing – the next big thing, crop tops.
So it would be better to apply the saying “If you can’t beat it, join it” and start to watch some street style photographs, and maybe to have a glance at some possible purchases.
Take a look at this, this, this or this crop top, they are really nice!
Ladies and gentlemen, the

Images sources: 1, 2, 3, 4
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