Pero ¿cómo llevar las mangas acampanadas? En el caso de vestidos es la manera más sencilla, que podemos llevar acompañados de botas XL para darle un toque boho-chic, en el caso de tops optar por marcar cintura con faldas o pantalones de talle alto y accesorios pequeños o ninguno para no restarle protagonismo. También optar en el caso de blusas que asomen lo justo y suficiente por el puño de la cazadora o chaqueta. A continuación os muestro estilismos para que os podáis inspirar así como dos prendas de mi tienda con esta tendencia. Sweater de punto en rosa empolvado y blusa de rayas marinera y escote en pico. ¿Qué os parece? Espero que os gustase. Besos y feliz día!! Hello!!! How's the week? And the cold? My mother had to rescue from the closet suddenly the feathers and boots of hair ... with how well it was a week ago ...
Each season, the patterns are reinvented to give rise to new forms and garments, this time it was the turn to the sleeves, which already had its success by the 70's but that comes to become a new must have. Whether on sweaters, sweaters and dresses, the catwalks and shops are flooded with this trend both in minimalist style and in its XXL version.
What they will do without a doubt is to give a different and fun touch to our clothes and outfits. But how to wear the flared sleeves?
In the case of dresses in the simplest way that we can wear accompanied by XL boots to give a boho-chic touch, in the case of tops choose to mark waist with skirts or high-waisted trousers and small accessories or none to not detract from the leading role . We can also opt in the case of blouses that appear just and enough by the cuff of the jacket or jacket.
Then I show you stylistics so you can inspire as well as two pieces of my store with this trend. Knit sweater in powdered pink and navy striped sweater and neckline in peak. What do you think?
I hope you like them Kisses and happy day !!
Sweater punto manga acampanada - Besosdechocolateyfresashop
Blusa navy acampanada - Besosdechocolateyfresashop
Photos vía Pinterest y Besosdechocolateyfresashop