La comodidad, aunque carísima, se impone en nuestro día a día, y las grandes marcas no son ajenas a esta tendencia en la que las zapatillas o sneakers abandonan el terreno de lo deportivo para convertirse en el referente en torno al cual giran nuestros estilismos
Espero que los looks de inspiración que he buscado para vosotras os ayuden a hacer aun más vuestra esta moda que esta llamada a permanecer lago tiempo.
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Coco Chanel is one of my favourite designers. I love fashion in part because of her. A real revolutionary of her time that she is still perfectly capable of keep inspiring her worthy successor, Karl Lagerfeld, who have presented his last collection of haute couture in an amazing way, doing a wonderful mix with complements like sneakers in his outfits, a real “luxury” style.
Being comfortable is a trend, although in a bit more expensive way it is gaining importance day by day, and the big fashion brands are very aware of this tendencies, like sneakers are slowly taking its place as a reference in fashion style and leaving its usual place in the sport sense.
I hope that the looks I have looked for you as an inspiration source could help you even more to do this trend easy wearing for you as it looks like it is going to be with us for a while.