Revista Belleza

[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Por Luz A @LuceBuona
¡Diciembre está aquí! Y también los feos suéteres conmemorativos de la Navidad...
Hooray December is here!... And so is the ugly sweater season!
[Trends] Ugly Christmas SweatersTal vez no exagero si digo que todos en algún punto de nuestra vida tuvimos (o esperen... ¡tendremos!) un suéter Navideño. Ya sea desde sus versiones más sutiles, tejidos creando un estampado de pequeños copos de nieve, estrellas, nochebuenas o hasta renos, hasta sus versiones más extremas con la cara de Rodolfo el Reno, con elfos, Santa, o su personaje favorito con look Navideño.I may not be exaggerating if I say that all of us at some point of  our lives had - or have or will have! -a Chrismassy sweater. Either their most subtle versions in knitwear on the shape of a snowflake or reindeer, or even their most extreme versions with a huge Rudolph The Reindeer face, or elfs, or Santa Claus, or your favorite cartoon with a Chrismassy outfit.Ugly Christmas Sweaters
De acerdo  a la revista TIME, en los años ochenta Bill Cosby es un pionero del uso de los feos suéteres Navideños, con la tendencia en todo su explendor, aunque la verdad yo lo dejaría en que es pionero del uso común de los suéteres feos en general, en México el equivalente más cercano sería César Costa en "Papá Soltero".  According to TIME magazine, in the 1980s Bill Cosby in his show was  an Ugly Christmas sweater pioneer, bringing this trend to its peak, but I would leave it that his show was a full ode to  ugly sweaters in general , over here in Mexico his closest equivalent was Cesar Costa on his how "Papá Soltero".
Para los Noventas la tendencia del feo suéter Navideño ya se había olvidado (igual y por tanto grunge), pero apenas entró la déacada del 2000, ya está de vuelta la tendencia.
Si ustedes como yo son fans de Bridget Jones, recordaran a Mr Darcy con su suéter de reno, y lo chocante que éste le parece a la protagonista.By the 90s the Ugly Sweater trend was pretty much forgotten, all that grunge maybe! But by the 2000 it was back on its feet!If you guys are also a Bridget Jones fan, you may remember Mr Darcy on his reindeer sweater and how Bridget finds it incredibly annoying.[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Obvio que durante este tiempo los suéteres Navideños solo eran digamos, socialmente aceptables en la temporada Navideña, y  casi diría que hay algunos diseños más comunes (o aceptables que otros). Of course when I mention that this trend was big in the 80s and it came back on the 2000, we must remember that they were somehow only "socially acceptable" during the Holiday season of course, and we could almost say that some designs were more common... or acceptable than other.
Ahora con las ganas de ir contra corriente e ironía, y las compras en tiendas de reuso, los Hipsters, los feos suéteres Navideños tienen otra oportunidad más de lucirse. Now with thir willingness to go against the stream, irony and thrift shopping, Hipsters give ugly Christmassy sweaters another chance to rule the season. 
Ugly Chritsmassy SweatersUgly Chritsmassy Sweaters by lucebuona featuring a red top
[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Estilo para todas las edades / Ageless style
Les comparto algunas sugerencias de cómo llevar la tendencia (con dignidad jeje y) de acuerdo a tu edad.I'm sharing with you some ideas on how to wear this trend no matter your age and without losing coolness. [Holidays] Rock that ugly Christmas sweater[Holidays] Rock that ugly Christmas sweater by lucebuona featuring womens plus coats
[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
[Holidays] Rock that ugly Christmas sweater II[Holidays] Rock that ugly Christmas sweater II by lucebuona featuring ankle strap shoes
[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Más ejemplos (elegidos entre mis looks favoritos de de como llevar un suéter Navideño y no morir de ridiculez en el intento.
Some more examples on how to wear this trend graciously, as seen on 
[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
[Trends] Ugly Christmas Sweaters
¡Disfruten la temporada Navideña, las reuniones
 familiares, laborales y otros festejos!
Enjoy the Holiday season, the family gatherings, the work parties and the rest of the celebrations!

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