Aunque ya se está acabando el verano, y ya se respira el otoño, me gustaría enseñaros otra casa de verano. Situada en Cape Town, y fotografiada por Warren Heath, quien ha trabajado para revistas como Elle Magazine . Pavimento contínuo blanco, paredes blancas… el resto parece levitar sobre el blanco.
Although summer is almost finished, and autumn is nearly there, I would like to post another summer house; this one is located in Cape Town, South Africa, and photographed by Warren Heath, who´s work has been featured in top magazines such as Elle. All in white, white cement floors, and white walls. The rest is floating over the white.

Los libros de cocina, de Donna Hay, cocinera australiana. Tengo sus libros, y ya he cocinado muchas de sus recetas, os la recomiendo! A mi me encanta.
The book in the kitchen is from Donna Hay, one of my favourites. I have her books, she is from Australia, and has worked for Marie Claire. I have cooked many of her recipies. I totally recommend them!