Revista Fashion Blogger

warm fall days

Publicado el 19 noviembre 2014 por Barbaracrespo @crespobarbara

street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda Solo queda este y un look más para dar por finiquitada mi experiencia como blogger embarazada jajaja Una vez más os doy las gracias por haberme acompañado en este deliciosa aventura. SOIS GENIALES!!!!

Hoy combino blanco y negro en uno de esos días cálidos de otoño. Besos!

--- // --- Hello! Today, let me show you one of the last pregnant outfits that i wore in my pregnancy. Black and white on one of those warm fall days.

Big kiis and hace a nice day!

street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda
street style warm fall days white dress autumn hake bag fashion blogger outfit blog de moda

Dress/Vestido: 6KS Here
Booties/Botas: Zara
Bag/Bolso: Hakei. Here
Manicure/Manicura: OPI Spain Photos: Sergio Espinosa
warm fall days
warm fall days

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