Revista Fashion Blogger
Buenos días! Vamos con el segundo look de esta semana...De nuevo con blazer, aunque a día de hoy, ya hayamos tenido que sacar los abrigos y bufandas de nuevo...Esta vez decidí combinarla con camisa de cuadros y chaqueta de punto azul marino...¡¡Muchas gracias por vuestras visitas y espero que os guste el look!!
Good morning! We're going to the second look this week ...
Again with blazer, but today, as we have had to take their coats and scarves again ... This time I decided to combine it with plaid shirt and jacket navy blue point ... Many thanks for your visits and hope you like the look!
Blazer: PULL&BEARCamisa/ shirt: STRADIVARIUSChaqueta / jacket: STRADIVARIUSPulseras / bracelet: LA CAJITA DE MARTINA/ TORQUES COMPLEMENTOSSubscribe to Victim of my closet by Email