Hoy en dia el internet lo mueve todo. Las redes sociales, los comercios, los blogs, las webs… Hoy quien no tiene tuenti, email, twitter, facebook, etc es considerado un “bicho raro”.
Lo bueno de esta ola… Es simple, antiguamente teniamos que conformarnos con aquellas tiendas que nos rodeaban y aquellas lejanas solo podiamos catarlas en viajes o por encargos a amigos o familiares que viajaban hacia alli. Gracias a internet, hoy todo es mas simple.
Today the internet moves everything. Social networks, businesses, blogs, sites … Today who does not have tuenti, email, twitter, facebook, etc is considered a “weirdo”.
The good thing about this wave … It’s simple, before we had to make do with those stores around us and those far we could only be tasted by travel or by orders to friends or relatives traveling there. Thanks to the Internet, today everything is more simple.
Yo lo confieso, alguna vez compro por internet. No por ebay o asi… Os voy a enseñar una web donde podeis encontrar cosas muy chulas.
La verdad es que yo he comprado unos 3 vestidos por esta web y la verdad es que estoy contentisima con el trato, el servicio y la calidad del producto.
I confess, I sometimes buy online. Not ebay or so … I’ll show you a website where you can find really cool things.
The truth is that I bought about 3 dresses on this website and I’m really happy with the treatment, service and product quality.
Lo bueno de la web encima, es que venden la ropa que ves en los programas de la tele.
Por ejemplo, ¿te gusta como vestian las presentadoras de “Se Lo Que Hicisteis”? Pues en esta web podras comprar ropa que vestian y asi con muchos programas mas.
The good thing about the web, they sell the clothes you see on TV shows.
For example, do you like how they dressed the presenters of “Know What You Did”? Beacuse in this web you can buy clothes they wore and as well with many more programs.
La web en cuestion es: “El armario de la tele”
The web is: “The TV wardrobe”

Podreis encontrar cosas de marcas como:
You can find things of brands such as:
Ada Gatti, Again & Again, Aggabarti, Aigle, Alexandra Plata, Alibey, Amplified, Ana & Cris, Andy Warhol by Pepe Jeans, Anjara, Armand Basi, Bantú, Bantú Charms, Barbour, Bdba, Ben Sherman, Blush, Brasilia, Buenafuente, By 164 Paris, by basi, Charo Ruiz Ibiza, Chk10, Compañiafantastica, Cowest, Cuple, Daniel Cremieux, Daniele Fiesoli, Deha, Devir Puzzles, Diez Lunas Ibiza, Dr.Martens, EAT, Eleven Paris, Ellis Faas, Enjabonarte, Esprit Timewear & Jewel, Face Stockholm, Faster by Pepe Jeans, Fornarina, Fred Perry, Friday’s Project, Friis & Company, Fun & Basics, Ganesh, Gant, Ginger + Soul, Hanky Panky, Harmont & Blaine, Huberman´s New York, Hunter, Hydroponic, Imagine, Inside, Jota, Jota + Ge, Kling, La Casita de Wendy, La Creu, La Martina, Laga, Lavand, Lollipops Paris, Maderas de Oriente, Malahierba, Marithé+François Girbaud, Martina Blue, Mimao, Missing Johnny, Muchacha, New Caro, Niza, Nzi, Old Taylor, Panama Jack, Panuu, Patriciaconde Collection, Pepa Loves, Pikolinos, Pinaud, Plural, Polo de Deauville, Poète, Puma, Puma Time, R&S, Randy, Rare, Ravens View, Rodia, Rosa Palo, Rosalita McGee, Rosalita Señoritas, Santacana, siempreesviernes, Silvia Maeso, Spanx, Strena, Time force, tokidoki, Tolky Monkys,Traffic People, Wesc, Whiz
Podras encontrar: maquillaje, ropa, relojes, joyas…
Entra haciendo click en el logotipo de arriba.
You can find: make up, clothes, clocks, jewelry…
Enter by clicking on the logo.