Issue 133 - July 21, 2019 | In 2016 one of the Satsangs held in the divine presence at Singapore. A devotee asked what is the purpose of creating this world. And here is what Swami said: What is the purpose of a game? The purpose of a game is primarily entertainment and learning. The same can be said of the purpose of this game of life: both entertainment and learning. In a game, you pick up skills and do whatever is required. You score a goal and make a few runs by using your skills by putting your body, heart and mind together. In the same way, in this game of life, you must do that. However, if you are playing football for a certain team, your job is to put the ball in the opposite goal. If you start putting the ball in your own goal, would anybody like it? Then you are not following the rules of the game. Similarly, in this game of the world, the idea is from 'I', you must reach 'He' through 'we'. If you play the game according to these rules, it will become one joyful entertainment. There would be no more sorrow; it would be full of joy. What would you learn? That ultimately, you start from 'I' and reach 'He'. All this has to be looked at from that point of view. Not too seriously, but neither too lightly. It is just an opportunity given to you to experience the great excitement and adventure of transforming yourself from human to Divine. When you start the game, you have not a single goal in your kitty. As you play and work together and score goals in the opposite post, there is joy and excitement if you have played it well and fairly, following the rules. Then there is great joy. This whole game has been designed for you to experience that joy of winning, to experience that joy of transforming from 'I' to 'He'. So take it like that and go according to the rules. Do what you are supposed to do and know what winning is, in this game. That is how you will be able to enjoy it. That is all it is. It is not so complicated. Maya is the opposite team; it will come and block you, and not allow you to go to the opposite goal. It will push you, but you must find a way to dodge it with the help of others to reach the other post. Life is a game, play it. Life is a challenge, meet it. If you look at the life of one who plays no game, takes up no challenge, they are more dead than alive. What, then, is the point of life? | Last April, the Grace Kitchen became famous all around the world when it was visited and blessed by the Divine. The youth could not waste this great opportunity, so the Seva coordinator asked Baba for permission to start with the distribution of breakfast, in addition to the dinner distribution on Wednesday evenings. The youth cook and offer food to 70/90 homeless brothers for dinner; but during mornings in Rome, the food distribution for the poor is lacking. Baba answered with His usual love and humor: "Is it not too early in the morning?" The coordinator lovingly replied, "Of course, but the need of it is strong because there are few organizations that are working | While being Bal Vikas students, the volunteers were engaged in various performances held in the youth detention centres, women's jail and such. The youth shared Love and Hope for a Better Future with the children, adolescents and women who were in the above-mentioned places. Today, SWAMI wants the youth to continue helping people by sharing food with the needy. Mothers who nurture their children deserve it because their Love for children is equal to DIVINE MOTHER'S LOVE for all humanity. | A dear family friend became a guide for me during the first years of my youth. When I was a young boy, she told me stories about India, Baba and her experiences. It was never enough for me to hear her speak about these things. I loved listening to her, because I could feel it was nourishing a part of me that I didn't know well yet, and back then, I could only sense it. | | Another experience that I have been taking with me since the meeting with Baba is the call to act immediately, regardless of my abilities, in order to take part in the great historical change we are living these days. I know, I could decide to be only a witness, doing nothing and wasting my talents. Otherwise, I can observe what nourishes me in action, doing all of it to serve each being. I used to think helping the Universe and serving the neighbors were something out of my hand, out of my reach. I've had a change of mind! | | | | | |