Tradition says that the name Almería stems from the Arabic, Al-Mariyya: “The Mirror”, comparing it to “The Mirror of the Sea”. Nowadays, most accepted interpretation is that it derives from the arabic term Al-Mara’, which means “The Watchtower”.

In this period, the port city of Almería reached its historical peak. After the fragmentation of the Caliphate of Córdoba, Almeria continued under powerful local Muslim Taifa emirs like Jairan, the first independent Emir of Almería, Cartagena, and Almotacin, the poet emir. Both Cartagena and Almotacin were fearless warriors, but also patrons of the arts. A silk industry, based upon plantings of mulberry trees in the hot, dry landscape of the province, supported Almería in the 11th century and made its strategic harbour an even more valuable asset.
The statue of San Cristóbal.
Contested by the emirs of Granada and Valencia, Almería experienced many sieges, including one especially fierce siege when Christians, called to the Second Crusade by Pope Eugene III, were also encouraged to attack the Muslim ‘infidels’ on a more familiar coast. On that occasion Alfonso VII, at the head of mixed forces of Catalans, Genoese, Pisans and Franks, led a crusade against the rich city, and Almería was occupied in October 1147.

Music : Domingo Patricio – Domingo Patricio CD
song : Mareando La Perdiz

M. Arqueros.-