Peter Philips Brings His Beauty Kit to Life for the Brand's Cheeky Short
A jet-propelled robot, a beaming sun god and an impish spider are not the likeliest of characters to embody the ultra-luxurious world of Chanel, but Peter Philips, the innovative mind behind them, has made his name pursuing the unexpected. Chanel’s Global Creative Director of Makeup took a break from conceptualizing cosmetic gold to don the animator’s cap for today’s short, a work inspired by a series of headdresses he crafted from beauty product packaging for a Vogue Paris shoot. Built from a trove of compacts, glosses, brushes and more, Philips’s characters embark on a journey that begins with a lipstick-powered automaton blasting through the clouds and ends on more familiar ground, with a model whose chic ensemble channels Mme Chanel herself. Philips came to the task with the requisite technical skills, having studied graphic design before attending Antwerp's Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts. But he did concede on one creative point—the music. “If it were up to me it would have been disco,” he confesses.Peter Philips le da vida a su KIT de BELLEZA para la marca CHEEKY SHORT.
Un robot en propursión, un dios sol radiante y una traviesa araña no son precisamente los personajes más ligados al mundo del lujo de CHANEL, pero PETER PHILIPS, su mente innovadora lo ha hecho posible. El director mundial de maquillajes creó este concepto de una tapa y dandole movimiento y el color oro, inspirada sobre todo en los envases que se utilizan en la marca francesa.Construido con lapices de labios, brillos, pinceles y demás. Los personajes embarcan un viaje desde una barra de labios a través de las nubes y termina en un termino más familiar, con un modelo figurando una señora CHANEL .
Philips estudió diseño gráfico antes de estudiar en la Academia de AMBERES ROYALE DES BEAUX-ARTS. Pero cedió en el tema musical, él hubiera preferido un tema disco