Las cubiertas, lectores, nunca habían dado tanto juego. Las posibilidades son muchísimas. Mirad...
This book came through #InterlibraryLoan and was too good not to use for #BookFaceFriday!Una foto publicada por #SCSULibrary (@scsu_library) el 5 de Jun de 2015 a la(s) 6:57 PDT
Happy #bookfacefriday! No puppy to cuddle up with this weekend? How about a good book? 😉 #bookface #cplbookface @cityofchandlerUna foto publicada por Chandler Library (@chandlerlibrary) el 29 de May de 2015 a la(s) 8:59 PDT
Hey you guys!!! Happy #bookfacefriday! We recruited some students for this week's #bookface featuring Neville by Norton Juster. #cplreads #cplbookface @cityofchandlerUna foto publicada por Chandler Library (@chandlerlibrary) el 24 de Abr de 2015 a la(s) 12:19 PDT
Happy #BookFaceFriday! How did YOU get to work today? #BikeToWorkDay #DuckOnABikeUna foto publicada por #SCSULibrary (@scsu_library) el 15 de May de 2015 a la(s) 6:46 PDT
Some of our student workers looking fabulous and enjoying the spring weather! ☀️ #BookFaceFriday #TGIFUna foto publicada por #SCSULibrary (@scsu_library) el 17 de Abr de 2015 a la(s) 9:57 PDT
#BookFaceFridayUna foto publicada por #SCSULibrary (@scsu_library) el 13 de Mar de 2015 a la(s) 9:48 PDT
The #bookfacefriday fun doesn't end with our video clip of 2014 bookfaces posted earlier. Here is our entry for today. Since we #bookfaced Sara Shepard's The Perfectionists last year, we figured it would be appropriate to #bookface her new sequel... The Good Girls by Sara Shepard #bookfacefriday #bookish #icecream #mintchocolatechip #icecreamcone #wafflecone #covercomestolife #melting #thegoodgirls #bookstagram #yalit #ya #yabooks #teenfiction #sarashepard #burlingame #burlingamelibraryUna foto publicada por Burlingame Public Library (@burlingame_library) el 26 de Jun de 2015 a la(s) 3:32 PDT
Look whooooo we found out on a tree branch outside the #library! The House of Owls by Tony Angell #bookfacefriday #bookstagram #booktree #bookbranch #books #westernscreechowl #owls #yelloweyes #bookface #birds #selectivecolor #bnw #owl #illustration #blackandwhite #bw #camouflage #nature #burlingamelibraryUna foto publicada por Burlingame Public Library (@burlingame_library) el 24 de Abr de 2015 a la(s) 11:21 PDT
We were hoping for some #clouds for this #bookface. But again, Mother Nature provided us a clear, blue sky in the #bayarea. Happy #bookfacefriday! Prodigal Son by Danielle Steel #prodigalson #daniellesteel #belmontslough #slough #wetland #lowtide #sky #water #bay #bookstagram #novels #books #booknerd #bookish #libraries #librarylife #nature #redwoodshores #burlingamelibraryUna foto publicada por Burlingame Public Library (@burlingame_library) el 6 de Mar de 2015 a la(s) 11:37 PST
After seeing @nypl's awesome triple #bookface this morning, we just couldn't wait anymore and had to share this for #bookfacefriday! Last month, we submitted this image to the Sisters in Crime "We Love Libraries" contest. We are still hoping that our image gets selected! Winners of this monthly #contest are awarded $1,000 to purchase more #books for their collections! We encourage all of the #librariesofinstagram to participate! And now, we present: Guilt by Association by Marcia Clark Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris Devious by Lisa Jackson #bookandface #bookfaces #bookface #triplebookface #sistersincrime #librarylove #mysteries #marciaclark #guiltbyassociation #charlaineharris #deaduntildark #lisajackson #devious #books #bookstagram #bookish #novels #booknerd #librarylife #libraries #shelfie #libraryshelfie #burlingame #burlingamelibraryUna foto publicada por Burlingame Public Library (@burlingame_library) el 12 de Dic de 2014 a la(s) 10:43 PST
#kuusamonkirjasto #bookfacefridayUna foto publicada por Kuusamon kirjasto (@kuusamonkirjasto) el 2 de Jul de 2015 a la(s) 10:36 PDT
On the 6th of June 156 years ago Queensland was born. On the 6th of June (an undisclosed number of years ago) our Library Operations Coodinator Mel was born. Happy birthday to both! #🎈 #🎂 #bookfacefriday #happybirthday #6thjune #queensland #library #whenthewindchanges #thatfacethough #picturebook #noosa #cooroy #bookstagram #qldweekUna foto publicada por Noosa Library Service (@noosalibraryservice) el 5 de Jun de 2015 a la(s) 3:25 PDT
It's #bookfacefriday! Don't just sit there. Come on by the library. Have a wonderful weekend!! #librarystaff #cplbookface #bookface @cityofchandlerUna foto publicada por Chandler Library (@chandlerlibrary) el 8 de May de 2015 a la(s) 6:06 PDT
A España la iniciativa ha llegado de forma tímida, por eso me gustaría proponeros que nos sumemos. Mi idea es crear un álbum con todas las aportaciones.
PROPUESTA #bookfacefriday
-Para participar no hay que ser bloguero, basta con ser lector, con amar los libros.
-Las fotos se suben los viernes a cualquier red social con el hashtag #bookfacefriday.
-Para que sea más fácil recopilarlas, mencionad al blog en Facebook y/o Twitter. Si preferís Instagram, dejadme el enlace de la publicación. También, si no tenéis cuenta en ninguna red social, podéis mandar los retratos al correo electrónico [email protected]
-No importa si se repiten cubiertas. Además, se pueden subir tantas imágenes como se quiera.
-El álbum está alojado en Pinterest.-Si os parece bien (y os lo agradecería muchísimo), podéis compartir la iniciativa en vuestros espacios: mientras más seamos, mejor.
Y como alguien tiene que romper el hielo, ahí va mi primer #bookfacefriday. Es un retrato con una biografía muy especial que todos deberíamos tener en nuestras estanterías.
¡Os espero a todos! Ojalá creemos un mural enorme.