La vida de un rockero se vive en público. Los fans, fotógrafos, fanáticos, cazadores de autógrafos, periodistas de la prensa rosa y reporteros le celebran, le admiran, le observan, le siguen -siempre están allí. Lenny Kravitz devuelve la jugada y la cámara y apunta su Leica a un montón de reporteros y fans quien le han acompañado donde ha ido. "Es interesante que mis seguidores se han vuelto el sujeto de mi primera exposición."

Flash de Lenny Kravitz alcanza las galerías internacionales. Desde 11 de agosto hasta el 22 de agosto se puede ver en la galería Ostlicht de Viena en la Calle Absberggasse 27.

As we happened to be in Vienna, we would like to share one of those places with you that you should visit if you are in this charming city and love photography.
Truth is that the life of a rockstar is lived in public. Celebrated, admired but also observed, crowded and pursued by fans and photographers, groupies, autograph hunters, gossip columnists and reporters - they are always there. Lenny Kravitz has turned the tables - and the camera - and trained his Leica on the caravan of reporters and fans which accompanied him where ever he goes: “It is interesting that the very people who chase me to take my photographs have become the subject of my first photo exhibition."

Courtesy of the Galerie Fur Fotografie, Vienna
The exhibition presents a selection of 50 photographs complemented by 32 portraits of the singer by Mathieu Bitton who is a long term friend of Kravitz and who accompanied the musician on his world tour, capturing both grand posses on stage and quiet moments between concerts.

Flash de Lenny Kravitz alcanza las galerias internacionales.
Desde 11 de agosto hasta el 22 de agosto se puede ver en la galería Ostlicht de Viena en la Calle Absberggasse 27.