Estamos en una situación de emergencia global ante lo que probablemente sea el mayor reto que como especie hayamos enfrentado. Y no tenemos una buena jugada, las cartas son malas. En situaciones así estamos en manos de la providencia y dependemos de lo inesperado. Es verdad que la capacidad creativa y de adaptación del ser humano es enorme. También que bajo presión somos capaces del mayor heroísmo. Habrá que ver.
Creo que es importante dejar espacio a la esperanza. Vamos a tener que soportar mil discursos catastrofistas que de paso tratarán de vendernos desde productos de consumo a ideas políticas. El miedo, el agobio y la furia alcanzarán cotas nunca vistas dado que las emociones se contagiarán globalmente y las masas se moverán ciegas y terribles.
Dicen los místicos que en el mismo centro de la noche oscura del alma habita una presencia que ilumina. Cuando nos toca atravesar una crisis vital terminamos recurriendo a esa fuente que sacia nuestra sed de sentido, equilibrio y transcendencia. Quizá también ahora sea sensato buscar ahí las respuestas que cada cual precise en lugar de dejarnos llevar por la locura colectiva y la tormenta de ruido de fondo que ya empieza a desatarse ahí afuera.
Humanity is a unique entity. It embodies the paradox of being a great tribe of primates and at the same time having the ability to unfold amazing emergent properties.
However, it’s insatiable desire prevailed over its intelligence and is not being able to avoid a predictable global civilisational collapse. The necessary adjustments would force us to initiate a process of decline for which no one is prepared, not even the most convinced ecologists or the most conscientious scientists.
We are in a situation of global emergency in the face of what is probably the greatest challenge that we as a species have ever faced. And we don't have a good move, the cards are bad. In situations like this we are in the hands of providence and we depend on the unexpected. It is true that the creative and adaptive capacity of human beings is enormous. It is also true that under pressure we are capable of the greatest heroism. We will have to see.
I think it is important to leave room for hope. We are going to have to endure a thousand catastrophic speeches that will try to sell us from consumer products to political ideas in the process. Fear, oppression and anger will reach unprecedented heights as emotions will be globally transmitted and the masses will move blindly and terribly.
The mystics say that in the very centre of the dark night of the soul there is a presence that illuminates. When we have to go through a life crisis we end up turning to that source that satisfies our thirst for meaning, balance and transcendence. Perhaps now it's also clever to look for the answers we each need there instead of letting ourselves be carried away by the collective madness and the storm of background noise that's already beginning to break out there.