Good morning, it’s Friday yupiee! What are you going to do this weekend? Today we are going to see an Adriana Sanz collection in a parade, she’s blogger in La Vie en Moss, Sunday we’ll go to Music & Food in Benicassim, you can know it here. But Saturday we had time and we have planned a thematic dinner with friends, it’s the first time that we do this and we have chosen the Italian food because we know better…so we have a full weekend!En cuanto al post de hoy, hoy os traemos un outfit perfecto para el fin de semana, para ir de cena o de chiringuito. El vestido es de una tienda de Oropesa del Mar, donde solemos ir en verano. Lo vimos y nos encantó, pues es cómodo y muy, muy fresquito. Además, al ser de color sobrio, te permite combinarlo con los tonos que quieras, como en esta ocasión, el rosa y los colores pastel del clutch. Para acentúar la frescura del look, una trenza de lado, peinado que solemos llevar mucho en los meses de calor. Esperamos que os guste.
Today we wear a perfect look for summer nights. The dress is from a local shop in Oropesa, where we use to go on Summer. We saw it and loved it. You can combine it easily because of the simple color and we have combined it with colorful clutch and coral sandals. To give fresh we wear a braid in the hairstyle that we love for this hot climate. We hope you like.