¿Una novela protagonizada por el dios Pan? Y así empezó mi lectura: mirando esos ojos verdes. PAN'S CONQUEST, de Aubrey Dionne, combina mitología griega con un romance que pretende ser alegre y significativo al mismo tiempo.Comienza con el dios Pan, medio hombre medio bestia, persiguiendo a una ninfa que no se deja querer. Es su deporte favorito, pero esta vez la ninfa se resiste porque es la diosa de la castidad. Syrinx hace un pacto con otra ninfa rencorosa y celosa, por lo que pasarán muchos años antes de que Pan vuelva a tener una oportunidad de seducirla.En el mundo humano, Syrinx es dueña de una floristería. Prepara arreglos florales de todo tipo junto a su ayudante Kaye. Un personaje que espero tenga su aventura propia en algún momento, es muy ingeniosa. Cuando un cliente rico les contrata para organizar una fiesta, sus votos de castidad empiezan a tambalearse. Lo que ella no sabe es que Pan se oculta tras el disfraz humano de Parker Thomas.Es un romance dulce y casi casto, he echado de menos algo más de fuego tratándose de dioses griegos. Sin embargo, se concentra más en el desarrollo de la psicología de los personajes. Ambos tienen un estilo de vida que cambia poco a poco debido al amor. Syrinx cree en sus votos, en dedicarse a su tarea sin interrupciones físicas. En cambio, Pan ha vivido siempre con despreocupación y desinterés emocional. Su única meta era ser libre en los bosques y perseguir ninfas para su diversión. Hasta que vivir entre humanos cambia su apreciación de las cosas, de los sentimientos y de las conexiones. Después de todo, nunca ha tenido familia. Ha sido bonito leer sobre su comprensión de lo que significa querer a alguien, ya sea de forma romántica o familiar. También me ha encantado la afinidad de los dioses con la naturaleza, cómo la fauna y la flora reaccionan a su cercanía. Tiene un toque de magia y de venganza, y es una lectura sencilla que podría catalogar accesible para cualquiera que esté aventurándose a leer en inglés. Nivel idioma: preintermedio / A2
***As soon as I came across the name "Pan", I knew I wanted to read about his tryst. Well, it turned up to be much more than that. This sweet, loving romance delves with getting to know oneself as much as the object of desire and, ultimately, being able to love on many levels. Pan is a lady's man, or should I say nymph's man? He's unconcerned with deep feelings, caring only for the moment. Until one nymph, and goddess of chastity, escapes his wanton attention. Undaunted by her fleeing to the world of humans, he takes on a new persona. He becomes a man who hires a florist.From that premise, and the ensuing funny situations, the story that develops is full of longing and character evolution. I loved the fact that Pan and Syrinx fight their own nature trying to understand what is that they want beyond what is expected from them. Even though the attraction between them is strong, the physical description of their encounters manages to be both sensual and mild. Nothing to scare anyone, but warm enough to be enticing and lovely.
I also liked all the mythology touches, the very funny Kaye who works at the flower shop (I hope to be seeing her story next), and the heart-warming relationship that comes up between Pan/Parker and his mysterious butler.
In a nutshellA life-changing romance with great evolution for the characters, sweet sensuality and a touch of mythology that brings smiles and surprises aplenty. A perfect read if you're craving nice, cozy, softly sensual romance on the brink of paranormal.***

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Pan's Conquest by Aubrie Dionne Published: Feb 24th, 2014 by Entangled Covet Page Count: 153
Syrinx pulled a fast one on Pan to escape his raging lust. The God of Chastity wasn't about to break her vows and succumb to his temptations. Transported to the twenty-first century, she runs a florist shop - fulfilling her fake, mortal life. Until the breathtaking Parker Thomas hires her to decorate his grand estate for a gala. Five hundred roses? Easy enough. Except Parker makes her feel things she can't ignore...As the God of Fertility, Pan is used to maidens flocking in droves to his pastures. So when Syrinx denies him, he's determined to win the one that got away. He poses as a mortal to get close to her, but he doesn't count on falling hard for his conquest - hard enough to make a life and stay.But Syrinx is falling in love with a man that doesn't exist. Can Pan hide his identity forever, or will the truth tear them apart?
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Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her books have received the highest ratings from Romance Times Magazine, as well as Night Owl Reviews and Two Lips Reviews. She has guest blogged on the USA Today Happily Ever After Blog and the Dear Teen Me blog and signed books at the Boston Book Festival, Barnes and Noble, and the Romance Writers of America conference. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Astraea Press, Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Publishing, Inkspell Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras.
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