Face Blur
Beauty Shot SPA15/PA+
Además unifica tono e ilumina.
Tiene una textura muy fluida y ligera de color rosado.
Se aplica fácilmente y se asienta rápidamente.
No controla brillos ni matifica.
Pero sus funciones las hace muy bien.
Aún así no lo recomiendo para uso diario, como todos los primers tiene siliconas y puede ensuciar la piel en exceso.
A face primer that softens expression lines and conceals pores.
Besides unifies tone and illuminates.
It has a very light pink smooth texture.
It's easily applied and quickly settles.
No controls shines,no mattify.
But do very well their functions.
Still not recommended it for daily use, like all primers has silicones that can mess in excess the skin.
The TherapyWater-Drop Anti-Aging Moisturizing SerumThe FACE Shop
The Therapy
Water-Drop Anti-Aging Moisturizing Serum
The FACE Shop
Un serum hidratante antiarrugas.
Imposible notar efectos en tan pocos usos.
Es fluido y se absorbe rápido.
Se nota la piel hidratada y muy fresca.
3 Uses
A wrinkle moisturizing serum.
Impossible to notice any effects in just a few uses.
It's fluid and is absorbed quickly.
It hydrates and fresh the skin.
BB CreamOriginal MediumGARNIER
BB Cream
Original Medium
Probé esta BB Cream cuando la sacaron y fue la risa.
Era super oscura para mí, pagajosa, grasienta...
Cuando vi la muestra a punto estuve de tirarla.
Encima en el tono medium, me iba a quedar oscura fijo.
Pero no, queda un poco anaranjada nada más aplicarla pero se asienta y queda bien.
La han reformulado, me atrevería a decir, porque ahora no me ha parecido del todo mala.
Sigo prefiriendo las coreanas, pero la veo recomendable para los que no se atreven a comprar por internet o las Coreanas le quedan muy claras.
3 Uses
I tried this BB Cream when it went on sale and was LOL.
It was super dark for me, sticky, greasy ...
When I saw the sample I though to throw it.
in medium tone, I was sure it was very dark for me.
But no, I was wrong.
It's little orange just applied but once it's sitted looks good.
They reformulated it, I dare, because now it has not now seemed bad.
I still prefer Korean BB cream.
I see it recommended for those who are hesitant to shop online or for ones that Korean BB Cream are very clear.
Signature ComplexionCoordinating BB Cream SPF43 PA+++ 50mlMISSHA
Signature Complexion
Coordinating BB Cream SPF43 PA+++ 50ml
Es una BB cream que promete tratar arrugas, blanquear verdaderamente la piel, ser muy ligera, protección solar 43 y durar 12 horas sobre la piel.
No puedo saber si cumple las dos primeras funciones.
Es ligera y tiene una cobertura buena.
El tono se adapta muy bien a la piel.
Sobre la duración sobre la piel en la mía tiene una duración normal y corriente.
No me ha parecido la panacea, del montón, y yo no la compraría porque es muchísimo más cara que otras BB Creams.
1 Use
It's a BB cream that promise treatment of wrinkles, real skin whitening, be very slight, sunscreen 43 and last 12 hours over the skin.
I can't say if it does the first two functions.
It's lightweight and has good coverage.
The tone is very well suited to the skin.
About the duration of the skin, on mine has an ordinary life.
It has not seemed the panacea,I won't buy it because it's much more expensive than other BB Creams and for me it isn't special.
Platinum Grape CellEssential BB CreamSKINFOOD
Platinum Grape Cell
Essential BB Cream
A BB Cream for whitening skin, wears adenosine and arbutin on its composition.
And further it provides elasticity, because of platinum and grape.
It's lightweight but with media coverage.
It sits quickly.
I like the formula and composition.
Natural Grape Seed OilMosturising Body LotionZiaja
Natural Grape Seed Oil
Mosturising Body Lotion