Revista Moda

Radom pictures of my holidays

Publicado el 05 septiembre 2011 por Sara @BauldeCaprichos
Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Dress: Fridays Project (SS09)
T-shirt: Massimo Dutti (SS10)
Belt: I don't know

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Jacket: Only (SS08)
T-shirt: Mango (SS??)
Watch: Breil Milano
Bag: A gift

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Shorts: Fridays Project (SS09)
T-shirt: Free Soul (SS08)
Sandals: Nature (SS10)
Sunglasses: Trucco

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Shorts: Tommy Hilfiger (SS09)
T-shirt: Mango (SS??)
Bikini: Woman Secret (SS09)
Watch: Breil Milano
Sunglasses: Trucco

Radom pictures of my holidays

Radom pictures of my holidays

Shorts: Fridays Project (SS09)
T-shirt: Breskha (new season)
Bag: Massimo Dutti (SS09)
Sunglasses: Trucco

Hoy que vuelvo a la rutina, quería compartir con vosotros algunas de las fotos de mi primera parte de las vacaciones por tierras gallegas de las que ya os hablé aqui. Aún me queda por enseñaros las fotos de mi viaje a Praga del que volví hace ya algunos días que he aprovechado para hacer algunos cambios en el blog. ¿Qué os parecen? Espero que os gusten. Muchísimas gracias por vuestros comentarios y feliz semana!
Oggi comincio a lavorare dopo le vacanze e volevo condividere con voi alcune immagini della mia prima parte delle vacanze di cui ho già parlato qui. Devo ancora mostrarvi le foto del mio viaggio a Praga, sono tornata pochi giorni fa ma gli ho usati per fare alcune modifiche al blog. Che ne pensate? Spero che vi piaccia. Grazie tante per i vostri commenti e felice settimana!
Today I return to the routine, I wanted to share with you some pictures of my first part of the holiday which I already talked here. I have yet to show you photos of my trip to Prague, I returned a few days ago that I used to make some changes to the blog. What do you think? I hope you like them. Thank you for your comments and have a happy week!

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