Revista Cultura y Ocio

Seven for a Secret de Rumer Haven+ Sorteo

Por Elii Vela @BooksMinion
CoverSFASRHavenBKMSeven For A Secret de Rumer Haven
Editorial Omnific Publishing
Publicado en: 12 de Agosto de 2014
Formato: Paperback
+18 | Este libro puede tener lenguaje altisonante, drogas, alcohol, violencia y/o contenido sexual que algunas personas consideren inaceptable.goodreads

It’s the year 2000, and twenty-four-year-old Kate moves into a new apartment to find a new state of independence in a new millennium. Almost immediately, she starts crushing on a hot guy who lives in her building. Deciding to take a break from her boyfriend Dexter, Kate believes the only thing now separating her from the fresh object of her sexual fantasies is the thin wall between their neighboring apartments.

A former 1920s hotel, Camden Court has housed many lonely lives over the decades—and is where a number of them have come to die. They're not all resting in peace, however, including ninety-year-old Olive, who dropped dead in Kate’s apartment and continues to make her presence known.

For Olive has a secret she’s dying to tell. One linking her to the sex, scandal, and sacrifice of a young dreamer named Lon. As the past haunts the present, Kate’s romantic notion that the thrill-of-the-chase beats the reality-after-the-catch unexpectedly entwines her modern-day love life with Lon’s Jazz Age tragedy.

With a little supernatural and a lotta' razzle-dazzle, Seven for a Secret is where historical fiction meets contemporary rom-com—from the Roaring Twenties when the “New Woman” was born, to the modern Noughties when she really came of age.

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Seven for a Secret de Rumer Haven+ Sorteo


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Seven for a Secret de Rumer Haven+ Sorteo

Elii Vela

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