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Swim soiree by Hawaiian Tropic. The Raleigh, Miami

Publicado el 31 julio 2012 por Mesvoyagesaparis @MesVoyagesParis
Swim soiree by Hawaiian Tropic. The Raleigh, MiamiSwim soiree by Hawaiian Tropic. The Raleigh, MiamiMiami Fashion Week, pool party at The Raleigh, South BeachFashion blogger wearing shorts and lace fluor top at pool party in MiamiMy boyfriend attending with me the Swim Soirée by Hawaiian Tropic at The Raleigh, during Miami Fashion WeekMe attending the Swim Soirée by Hawaiian Tropic at The Raleigh, MiamiFashion blogger Mónica Sors attending Pool party at Miami Fashion Week Swim 2013
Hi! As I told you yesterday, here I am recovering the normal rythm of the blog ;). Today, I show you my outfit for the pool party organized by Hawaiian Tropic during Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013, in Miami. Being invited to that "Soireé" was really amazing, we had a great time...
Como os dije ayer, recupero el ritmo normal del blog y aquí me tenéis otra vez ;). Hoy os enseño las fotitos de la fiesta en la piscina del hotel The Raleigh, organizada por Hawaiian Tropic, dentro de las actividades de la Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week Swim 2013. Fue genial estar invitados a esta "Soirée", pasamos un rato muy divertido y "cool"! Mis pelos no sé si están igual de "cool" jaja, hacía muchísimo calor, una barbaridad, creo que más que en Cancún, imaginaros!
Un besito!!
My outfit: Giorgio Armani sunglasses, Frames of Life 2012 collection / Bershka top / Zara shorts / Les Tropeziennes wedges by Spartoo, available in brown color here / Michael Kors watch / Mei Love bracelet 
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