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To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo

Publicado el 09 septiembre 2010 por Sybilla
iseTo die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
Y es que los Jimmy Choo duran una eternidad, no???Y dan para mucho, mucho...Jimmy Choo´s shoes are forever, aren´t they??
Queréis ver el nuevo apartamentito de Tamara Mellon en New York???Do you wanna see the new Tamara Mellon´s little apartment in New York??
To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
Shoes are fashion, fashion is art and art is Andy Warhol.
To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
Quiero ese armario de tamaño industrial, casi como el almacen de El Corte Ingles!!!!!! Si tuviera que elegir cada mañana entre todas esas joyas de zapatos...nunca llegaria a la oficina!!!!!Me volveria loca!!Es una locura!!I want this closet!!!!!!!!! More than 1,000 pairs to choose!!!!!!! If I had to choose every single morning among those amazing shoes...I would never be on time for work!!!!It would drive me crazy!!! It´s insane!! To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy ChooTo die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
To die for...Tamara Mellon´s New apartment in New York!!! I love Jimmy Choo
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