Revista Moda
Llevo una semana de los nervios, o igual dos, desde que mi amigo Mario Monforte, me conto que iba a exponer su obra, junto a otros 20 artistas emergentes. No hay nada como vivir este tipo de experiencias en segunda persona, compartir con el artista su estado de animo, sus inquietudes, e incluso que te pida opinión sobre su estilismo; todo un honor! / I have pass a nervous week, or maybe two, since my friend Mario Monforte told me he was going to show his work, along with 20 other emerging artist. There's nothing like living this kind of experience in second hand, sharing with the artist his mood, his concerns, and even when he ask for my opining about what he should wear, what an honor!
Mario estaba guapísimo, con total look de Ana Locking. / Mario was really handsome with Ana Locking total look.
La exposición, efímera, ya que solo se podía disfrutar de ella unas horas. El tema: lo esencial, superficial y fugaz. Las obras? de todo; fotografía, pintura, hasta colgantes. / The exposition, mayfly, you could only see it for a few hours. The theme: the essential, superficial and brief. The works? you could see almost anything from photography, paintings, and even necklace.
Cuadros de Carolina Toscano inspirados en cuentos y comics: todo lo que evoca a nuestra infancia. Que rápido paso, verdad? / Carolina Toscano's painting inspired in tales and comics; all that recall our childhood. Gone too fast, isn't it?
Cuadro de Juan Palomares; la belleza es efímera. / Juan Palomares painting; beauty is mayfly.
Obra de Jacinto Lara: "No es vanidad, son vanidades. De donde vengo, y de donde sales". / Jacinto Lara work: It's not vanity, are vanities. Where I came from, and where you leave".
El trabajo de Mario. / Mario's work.
Mario presento una serie de 12 vanitas con distintos motivos cuyo titulo es "Momento Mori". Una adaptación de la época en que vivimos. El mensaje: "Folla, sueña, compra y ama. Porque tu, también morirás". En resumen, el famoso Carpe Diem; aprovecha el momento presente, el tiempo y tu talento (palabras del propio artista). / Mario presented 12 vanitas with different motive named "Momento Mori"(remember that you are mortal). An adaptation of the age we life, the message: "Fuck, dream, shop and love. Because you will also die". To resume, the popular Carpe Diem; seize the day, your time and your talent (word of the artist).
La obra se compone de 5 series limitadas de cada fotografía, que se entregan junto a un certificado de autenticidad. Las vanitas son perfectas, trabajadas hasta el ultimo detalle, cada una con un significado distinto. Llega un momento en que dejan de ser parte del artista, y cobran vida por si mismas; son puro romanticismo. / The work consist in 5 limited photograph of each piece, that are given with an authenticity certificate. The vanitas are perfect, worked to the last detail, each one with a different meaning. They stopped been of the artist, and come alive by themselves; they are pure romance.
La tarde fue estupenda, a pesar del tiempo; asumir que estamos ya en otoño me esta costando bastante, al menos a mi cuerpo. Si, no me enrollo, que siempre estamos igual. Pase un rato muy agradable y volvimos a coincidir con amigos y conocidos, que hacia tiempo que no veía; hay que repetir chicos! / The evening was great, although the weather didn't help; facing up that fall is hear it's been hard for me, at lest for my body. Yes, I focus on the subject, sorry. I had a awesome time, I had the chance to met with friends and acquaintance, that I haven't seen for few time; we have to meet more often guys!
Mario y Marina Jamieson. Marina lleva total look de Eleven Paris, bolso de Zubi, joyas de DeJewelry, y zapatos de Marni, todo trabajo de David Garcia Miras, y Sofia Stein. / Mario and Marina Jamieson. Marina wears Eleven Paris total look, Zubi clutch, jewels by Dejewelry, and Marni shoes, stylish by David Garcia Miras y Sofia Stein.
Con David García Miras, un pedazo de estilista. / With David García Miras an amazing stylish.
Mario con Sofia Stein, Jesus Cicero, Isabel García Calvo, Marina Jamieson... / Mario with Sofia Stein, Jesus Cicero, Isabel Garcia Calvo, Marina Jamieson...
Con Mario y David. / With Mario and David.
Con Marina y Helena, pasando un rato muy agradable. Marina es un sol! / With Marina and Helena, having a great time. Marina is such a nice and sweet person!
No digo mas, Carpe Diem, a coger a la vida por los cuernos; son cuatro días, hay que disfrutarla a tope y ser feliz. / I won't say another word but, Carpe Diem. Take your life strong: they are four days, enjoy it and be happy.
Xo xo, Mia
All image are taking for Mia's Fashion Scrapbook. Thank you to Sofia, Helena and David for taking the pics of me.