Los adolescentes tienen que enfrentarse, sin apenas conocerse, a decisiones formativas que determinarán su futuro. Su conocimiento del mundo tiene base audiovisual y es impreciso y cinematográfico. Por tanto se enfrentan al reto de orientar su futuro desde una densa niebla que muchas veces familia y educadores no somos capaces de despejar. La parte racional interviene con datos objetivos pero al final nos apoyamos en el instinto optar.
Uno va descubriendo que se decide como se puede y no hay más remedio que caminar entre la bruma corrigiendo el rumbo según vayan surgiendo peligros, errores o crisis vitales.Los estudiantes de medicina ya vienen sesgados por su curriculum, habitualmente el más brillante de su clase. Vienen lastrados por altos niveles de autoexigencia y generalmente un enorme esfuerzo personal de dedicación al estudio y la formación. Pero estas características no les proveen de mayor visión personal o entendimiento del mundo. Siguen siendo jóvenes sin experiencia vital que desean llegar a ser felices, signifique eso lo que signifique.
Las asistentes a la jornada irradiaban intensidad porque querían ver el futuro. Acudían al oráculo de los mayores buscando respuestas y al final fueron despedidas como lo hacían en Delfos, con el lacónico "conócete a ti mismo" que pocos adultos conseguimos llevar a plenitud. Es cierto que también hubo ánimos para reconocer la propia valía personal y recuperar la confianza, pero al final he de reconocer que todos caminamos viendo tan solo el próximo paso a dar, en un medio cada vez más líquido y complejo como es esta sociedad del conocimiento que cambia a un ritmo endiablado.
Otro hecho perturbador tuvo que ver con la perspectiva de género que la dra. Carmen Suárez, jefa de servicio de Medicina Interna de la Princesa, expuso desde su gran experiencia clínica y humana. La conciliación laboral es un reto que amenaza la promoción profesional de las mujeres y que en las profesiones sanitarias tienen enorme calado por la gran feninización (85% de enfermeras y 70% de médicas). Poco que añadir, salvo que tan poco es fácil para los hombres en un sistema sanitario rígido como el nuestro que no facilita la flexibilidad horaria suficiente para poder desarrollar una crianza en condiciones.
Puedo decir que me gusta lo que hago, que ser médico es para mi una posibilidad de servir a los demás que me proporciona sentido y satisfacciones. Creo que hace falta algo más que un curriculum brillante, hay que valer para poder aguantar el lado oscuro que el contacto con el sufrimiento ajeno inevitablemente tiene. Por eso doy la bienvenida a todos los que sientan una intuición en este sentido, vengan y traten de aprender. Al final la vida nos va poniendo en nuestro sitio y si la clínica no es el propio hay muchos más caminos.
Medical vocation.
Yesterday I participated in a conference on medical vocation and I left exhausted. It was a demanding experience for me, as a speaker, to have to witness something so subtle in some way. Because it is not easy for me to define the term, nor to guarantee that it exists. Probably if we look deep down we can all discover some kind of call or attraction to some kind of work performance. An intuition that helps us to take the step.
Teenagers have to face, without hardly knowing each other, formative decisions that will determine their future. Their knowledge of the world has an audiovisual basis and is imprecise and cinematic. Therefore they face the challenge of orienting their future from a dense fog that many times family and educators are not able to clear. The rational part intervenes with objective data but in the end we rely on the instinct to choose.
Time show us to make decisions the best we can, and there is no choice but to walk through the mist, correcting the course as dangers, errors or life crises arise.
Medical students are already biased by their curriculum, usually the brightest in their class. They are weighed down by high levels of self-demand and usually a huge personal effort in dedication to study and training. But these characteristics do not provide them with greater personal vision or understanding of the world. They are still young people without life experience who want to become happy, whatever that means.
Those attending the conference radiated were on fire because they wanted to see the future. They went to the oracle of the elders looking for answers and in the end they were dismissed as they did in Delphi, with the laconic "know thyself" that few adults manage to bring to fullness. It is true that there was also encouragement to recognize one's own personal worth and to regain confidence, but in the end I have to recognize that we all walk on seeing only the next step to take, in an environment that is more and more liquid and complex as this society of knowledge changes at a devilish pace.
Another disturbing fact had to do with the gender perspective that Dr. Carmen Suárez, head of the Internal Medicine service of the Princess Hospital, exposed from her great clinical and human experience. The reconciliation of work and family life is a challenge that threatens the professional promotion of women and that in the health professions is very important due to the high level of pheninization (85% of nurses and 70% of doctors). There is little to add, except that it is not easy for men also in a rigid health system such as ours, which does not provide sufficient time flexibility to be able to raise their children in good conditions.
I can say that I like what I do, that being a doctor is for me a possibility to serve others that gives me meaning and satisfaction. I believe that it takes more than a brilliant resume; it takes courage to be able to endure the dark side that contact with the suffering of others inevitably has. That's why I welcome everyone who feels an intuition in this sense, come and try to learn. In the long run life puts us in our place and if the clinic is not your own there are many more ways.