Entre mis preferidos, sin duda destaca el Marsala por su elegancia, en un vestido con pedrería, transparencias o vaporoso queda ideal. El azul clásico es otro de los que me llama la atención, puede funcionar muy bien en combinación con otros colores más llamativos, y con un vestido corto para una boda de día, y largo con detalles de encaje para la noche.

Good Morning! There have been several weeks since I updated the "Wedding" section and today I prepared a special post with some of the colours that will be the next trend, we will see the attractive prom dresses to wear in 2015.
Among my favorites, I chose the colour Marsala for its elegance in a dress with rhinestones, and either transparent or sheer fabrics that will fit us wonderful. Classic blue is another one who caught my eye that combines great with more vibrant colors, using it in a short dress in morning dresses as weel as with longer ones with lace detail when it is celebrated by night.

Pantone named Strawberry Ice this soft, romantic pink I took on a wedding day in a bohemian dress. Finally, I chose two different bright greens, Lucite Green y Woodbine, if this celebrations occur during the spring.

If you have a wedding and you are still not know what to wear and where to buy, you can find on internet the the latest affordable prom dresses for you in 2015, I advise you to take a look because more and more companies encourage with this market. 2015 latest prom of Weddingshe is one of them, in their collections it was easy to found the dress that will make you to stand out among the rest of guests and following the latest trends for this year.www.weddingshe.com/list/Prom-Dresses-14353
¡Espero que os haya gustado! ¡Feliz día!