AutoCAD for Mac - Imagen: usa.autodesk.com
Ya puede descargarse desde el Portal de Autodesk la versión de prueba (Product Trial, válida por 30 días) o procurar donde adquirirlo (How to Buy)
AutoCAD for Mac is now available for purchase or free 30 day trial. This version of AutoCAD software, one of the most widely used applications for professional design and engineering, makes powerful AutoCAD features and functionality available to customers who choose to work natively on the Mac.
Styles&Wood, the UK’s leading provider of property services to retailers, banks and commercial organizations, is one of the more than 5,000 participants who were part of the AutoCAD for Mac beta program. “We have been waiting a long time for AutoCAD to come back to the Mac,” said Andrew Handley, CAD development manager. “Our experience has been that AutoCAD for Mac is similar enough to the PC version that the transition is easy. We’ve found it to be a very powerful and reliable product that has all the functionality we need.”
vía AutoCAD for Mac: Autodesk Brings AutoCAD Back to the Mac www.dexigner.com
Ver vídeos:
AutoCAD for Mac New Users.mov (12MB)
AutoCAD for Mac Win to Mac.mov (30MB)
AutoCAD para Mac ya disponible en Europa
AutoCAD para Mac tiene una interfaz muy intuitiva que resultará familiar a los usuarios de dispositivos Apple y consigue sacar todo el rendimiento de Mac OS.
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