Virgin of La Salette's chapel with the Pyracantha.
La capilla de la Virgen de La Saleta con la Pyracantha.

Leucospermum cordifolium.


The giant Magnolia macrophylla.

Rhododendron wilsonii.

Eyphydryas aurinia.

A small piece of our landscape.
Un pequeño trozo de nuestro paisaje.
To Guided tours: 0034 609 33 00 56 and The garden is a private garden and it's only open with appointment some days before.
Are you planning a private event, a fashion or a film shooting in this garden? Do you need photos to your report about our garden? Please contact us in the same e-mail. Thank you very much!Best wishes!PAZO DE LA SALETARUTA DE LA CAMELIA - THE CAMELLIA ROUTE.