Hace unas semanas me invitaron a celebrar el V aniversario de Delishop. ¿Quiénes son? Delishop es una cadena de cuatro tiendas gourmet de Barcelona con productos de altísima calidad, creatividad y muy auténtica que presta mucha atención a la presentación elegante y funcional.En la fiesta del V aniversario, todos los invitados (a excepción de algunos despistados) fuimos vestidos según lo que marcaba el dress-code de la velada: black and white. Ideal para ir a conjunto con su local Delishopwold en Paseo San Juan, minimalista y blanco impoluto.La cena, divertida, entre amigos y conocidos fue muy amena y su momento estelar, los homenajeados soplando la gran vela del pastel decorado con un enorme 5. Durante la cena, buenísima y con cocina a la vista, pudimos probar algunos de sus productos: el parmesano, las hamburguesas verdes, el tartar de atún (¡qué delicia!), las bolitas de wasabi (casi me muero de lo muchísimo que picaban...), la barra de gin&tonics, ¡todo! Fue un placer compartir con vosotros un cumple tan especial :) ¡Gracias por invitarnos!
Con Mónica de Delishop y Aitor de Ailanto
Con Addictsmile, Ailanto, The Singlelist
A few weeks ago I was invited to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Delishop. Who are they? Delishop are gourmet shops in Barcelona with high quality products, creativity that pay close attention to elegant and functional presentation. In the V anniversary party, all guests (except for some) went dressed according to the dress-code of the evening: black and white. Ideal to go along with Delishopwold, their place in Paseo San Juan which is minimalist and pure white. The dinner was great fun and we spent the night together with friends and acquaintances. The big moment of the night was when the honorees blowed the big candle cake decorated with a huge 5. During dinner, where we had the opportunity of tasting their great offering and watch the chefs cook in their open kitchens, we had Parmesan, green burgers, tuna tartare (what a treat!), Wasabi balls (I almost died as they were very very spicy...), gin and tonics...
It was a pleasure to share with you the special evening :) Thanks for inviting us!
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