August is the best month to visit Menorca. During these days every little village of the isle celebrates an English tradition with doma horse dancings in the street. Everybody wants to watch the horses dance and jump around the village and drik pomada. I had so much fun in Alaïor where they celebrated it yersterday. I truly recommend you to check the calendar and see this shows.
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El mes de agosto es, sin duda, el mejor para visitar Menorca. Durante estos días de verano, en los pueblos de toda la isla se suceden las fiestas tradicionales heredadas de los ingleses con los caballos y los espactáculos de doma. Todo el mundo sale a la calle a ver la fiesta y a seguir a los jinetes por las calles estrechas rodeadas de edificios bajos. Ayer estuve en Alaïor donde puede ver el show entero mientras tomaba 'sa pomada'. Os recomiendo muchísimo consultar el calendario de fiestas si alguna vez estáis por aquí.
August is the best month to visit Menorca. During these days every little village of the isle celebrates an English tradition with doma horse dancings in the street. Everybody wants to watch the horses dance and jump around the village and drik pomada. I had so much fun in Alaïor where they celebrated it yersterday. I truly recommend you to check the calendar and see this shows.
August is the best month to visit Menorca. During these days every little village of the isle celebrates an English tradition with doma horse dancings in the street. Everybody wants to watch the horses dance and jump around the village and drik pomada. I had so much fun in Alaïor where they celebrated it yersterday. I truly recommend you to check the calendar and see this shows.