Como todo en esta boda lo preparamos a conciencia, ya os contamos en anteriores posts que estuvimos casi un año preparando la despedida y muchos meses buscando en internet y en tiendas el vestido perfecto para tal evento. Al ser de noche teníamos súper claro que el vestido para la ocasión debía ser largo y de colores alegres por las fechas de la boda. Así que aquí os dejamos con el look elegido por Vanessa, que dicho sea de paso, está hecho a medida y customizado de arriba a bajo tanto vestido como complementos.
Good Morning beauties! We are so so so happy because last Saturday we celebrated the wedding of one of our best friends, Esther, and it was also the first one with all our friends together, for that reason we were so excited. We enjoyed a lot and some of us danced all night until the sun rose.
Everything for this wedding was thought in detail. We were almost a year to prepare the hen party and many months looking for the perfect dress to wear on internet and shops. The wedding was at night so we wanted a long dress and with colors because of the month of the celebration. Vanessa chose this dress that we customized to adapt it to the occasion and the accessories are hand made as well.

Y por supuesto, la corona de flores creemos que se llevó parte del protagonismo del outfit ya que al ser el vestido de un color tan discreto apostamos por el color en los complementos. La corona la hicimos nosotras mismas y para las que os guste, os recordamos que hicimos un vídeo tutorial AQUÍ explicando el paso a paso. Es facilísimo! Además en cuanto nuestra peluquera se puso manos a la obra cuando se la llevamos el resultado fue más bonito de lo que nos habíamos incluso imaginado. Ayesha peluquería hizo una obra de arte con un recogido entrelazado entre las flores que nos encantó!
The dress is from Chicfy, on internet. It is amazingly beautiful we think and the curiosity is that the brand is H&M Concious, a brand we had never thought for a dress like this. But we changed some parts of the dress because when we tried it on it showed too much back and belly so we decided to make bands on the back and waist. And finally our mum did a lace on the back that we love it.
And the flower crown, of course! We think that it was the main accessory because of the colors. We did it ourselves and we did a video tutorial showing you how to do it. It is so easy! And when our hairdresser started working on it the result was fantastic. Ayesha peluquería did a beautiful hair.

Vestido/ Dress: H&M (new) customizado/customisedZapatos/ Sandals: Just Fab (new)Clutch: ZaraPendientes/ Earrings: Tienda vintage/Vintage storeCorona/ Flowe crown: DIY by Vanessa Lorente