Revista Arquitectura

Unknown Fields Division Part I: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – Architecture – Domus

Por Arquitecturas @arquitectonico

An architecture report from Pripyat by Nelly Ben Hayoun

Research work at the site. Photograph by Neil Berrett. Domus

Research work at the site. Photograph by Neil Berrett. Domus

An international, multidisciplinary team of researchers visits the zones where the myths of the near future are manufactured.

The Visiting School Program at the Architectural Association under the direction of the talented and charismatic Liam Young and Kate Davies invited creative director and experience designer Nelly Ben Hayoun to join a multidisciplinary group of international research students, architects, artists, and writers on a trip to extraordinary landscape and industrial sites. Dubbed the Unknown Fields Division, they pack their Geiger counters and spacesuits to chart a course from the atomic to the cosmic, investigating the unknown fields between the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor in the Ukraine and Gagarin’s launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. They will skirt the retreating tide of the Aral Sea and mine the ‘black gold’ in the Caspian oilfields and caviar factories. In these shifting fields of nature and artifice they aim to re-examine preservationist and conservationist attitudes toward the natural world and document a cross-section through a haunting landscape of the ecologically fragile and the technologically obsolete. Ben Hayoun delivers these excursionary dispatches from the zones where the myths of the near future are manufactured.

vía Unknown Fields Division Part I: Chernobyl Exclusion ZoneArchitecture – Domus.

Artículo que he “descubierto” gracias al gran escritor Bruce Sterling y su oportuno tuiteo:

@bruces Bruce Sterling

Más artículos siempre muy interesante en el Blog del autor en la prestigiosa revista “Wired

Beyond the Beyond


Nelly Ben Hayoun has been invited to join forces in a road trip from Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, through the Ukraine and the oil fields of Azerbaijan to rocket launch pad of Kazakhstan’s Baikonur Cosmodrone. A Project initiated by Liam Young and Kate Davies the AA( Architectural Association). more on the project at

Reports written by Nelly Ben Hayoun for Domus on this fantastic trip can be seen here

Entradas anteriores en ArquitecturaS:

Taringa! – Pripyat ciudad fantasma – Chernobyl (Sitios fantasma V)

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